THH in the Classroom

Podcasts are a great way for students to hone active listening skills and to learn from researchers on topics you cover in your US History and Indiana Studies class. THH episodes range from 5 to 35 minutes and cover a wide variety of topics from Indiana history.

For each lesson plan, you will find the following materials:

  • Standards: This is a list of U.S. History and Indiana Studies Standards addressed by the episode on which the assignment is based.
  • Print Copy: This PDF document is available so you can print paper copies of assignments.
  • Fillable Copy: This fillable PDF document is available to make these resources suitable for online or virtual assignments.
  • Quick Exercises: If you want to get even more out of our podcasts, try these quick engagement exercises with your students.
  • Dig Deeper: This PDF provides additional resources to allow you to learn more about the topic at hand.

Note: For a teacher’s key, which includes suggested answers and time stamps, please contact Kelsey Green at

You can either play the podcast for the whole class or allow students to independently work by giving them access to the fillable PDF. THH episodes are available at or on your podcast player of choice (Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, etc.)

Select from the lesson plans below to download the materials and get started!

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our teacher resources, please contact Kelsey Green at

Lesson Plan: “Tribe Come Home:” The 1972 National Black Political Convention

The 1972 National Black Political Convention, held in Gary, Indiana, brought together Black Americans of all walks of life for the common goal of forging bonds that would, hopefully, lead to meaningful change in the United States. In this episode, students will learn about the convention’s goals, attendees, and accomplishments.

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Lesson Plan: Debs’ Campaign for Socialism

Hoosier native Eugene Debs exploded onto the national stage at the head of one of the largest railroad strikes in American history – the Pullman Strike. He would go on to run for President on the Socialist Party of America ticket five times. In this episode, students will follow Debs’ progress from Democratic booster to labor activist to Socialist leader.

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